Dahlia II

Dahlia II

Dahlia III

Dahlia III

Dahlias I - Large DSC_7260-2.jpg

Dahlias I - Large

Agapanthus II - Large DSC_7262-2.jpg

Agapanthus II - Large

Peony II - Large DSC_7254-2.jpg

Peony II - Large

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Swimmer III Small Cyanotype Print

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Small Swimmer III

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Three small swimmer prints

Small Swimmer img510.jpg

Small Swimmer

Dahlia Artist Test Print
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Dahlia Artist Test Print

Ranunculus XI

Ranunculus XI

img474.jpg img474-2.jpg

Ranunculus 3

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Dahlias - Small Cyanotype

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Small Sweet Pea

Ranunculus 1 AAA_8910-2.jpg

Ranunculus 1

Dog Roses I DSC_6650-Edit-3.jpg

Dog Roses I

Garden Rose IV img500.jpg

Garden Rose IV

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Chrysanthemum I

DSC_7229.jpg DSC_7229-3.jpg

Chrysanthemum IV

Chrysanthemum VI DSC_7315-2.jpg

Chrysanthemum VI

Chrysanthemums I DSC_7242.jpg

Chrysanthemums I

Dahlia III DSC_7303-2.jpg

Dahlia III

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Swimmer I

childrens-photography-london-7922.jpg AAA_3716-Edit-3.jpg

Swimmer III

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Swimmer Print


Swimmer XII- Small Cyanotype

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Ranunculus I

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Gardenia I

7x5 inch Giclée Swimmer Prints - Pack of 3. img823.jpg

7x5 inch Giclée Swimmer Prints - Pack of 3.

7x5 inch Giclée Flower Prints - Pack of 3 img827.jpg

7x5 inch Giclée Flower Prints - Pack of 3

7x5 inch Giclée Flower Prints - Pack of 3 img447.jpg

7x5 inch Giclée Flower Prints - Pack of 3

7x5 inch Giclée Swimmer Prints - Pack of 3. img824.jpg

7x5 inch Giclée Swimmer Prints - Pack of 3.

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Anemone IV

Icelandic Poppies II img757.jpg
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Icelandic Poppies II

img405.jpg img405-2.jpg

Small Ranunculus Bud

Rose III Miniprint DSC_5109.jpg

Rose III Miniprint

Rose II Miniprint

Rose II Miniprint
